Lesson Details

Listen to our Spring Recital: Spring 2021 Recital

Click HERE for the Policies and Registration Form

WHAT IS INCLUDED IN LESSONS:  Personalized Attention

  • A clear lesson plan
  • Lessons once or twice a week
  • Worksheets
  • Play along time
  • Recital (s)
  • Quarterly assessments
  • Communication via My Music Staff

Benefits of Virtual Lessons

Why should I learn to play the piano online?

  • Convenient scheduling
  • No more extra time to travel to your lesson and get stuck in traffic
  • Technology has come a LONG ways in sound and video
  • Teaches the student to notate their own music
  • Teaches the student to be accountable for their assignments
  • Provides more chances to perform
  • Allows the student and teacher to continue their bond no matter where they may live